
Poznan Science and Technology Park (PPNT)

It is the first technology park in Poland (1995). PPNT is an ideal place for innovative companies, start-ups and entrepreneurial scientists. PPNT has long experience working with start-ups and scale-ups, investors and researchers in incubation and acceleration programs. Including entrepreneurship courses at university, business plan competitions, coaching start-ups, investment readiness and investors fora. PPNT runs its own seed fund and already invested 1,5 mln euro in 13 technological start-ups.

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Tech-Park Kaunas

Tech-Park Kaunas is a science and technology park that creates the best experience for startups. We help startups and already growing tech companies to increase transnational competitiveness, consult companies on business development issues, provide innovation support services, develop an innovation community, and foster an innovation culture in the Kaunas region.

As a member of Integrated Science, Studies and Business Centre (Valley) “Santaka” Tech-Park Kaunas stimulates science and business collaboration. From 2022, the Park organises a business incentive programme for health technology developers called The programme helps startups to develop innovative products and services, increase sales and prepare to attract investment. The team has also created a programme for entrepreneurship and new product development called Evolut 4.0.

At present, it hosts more than 100 deep-tech related companies operating in the fields of urban tech, med tech, green tech, crea tech, and space tech.

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Steinbeis 2i GmbH (S2i)

Steinbeis 2i GmbH (S2i) supports companies and universities to innovate and internationalize since 2016. It is part of Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, a leading institution in Europe, recognized as a network, collaboration and internationalization facilitator.

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G.A.C. group

G.A.C. Group (G.A.C.) is an innovation management consultancy company specialised in innovation performance support with headquarter in France and offices in other countries, with 250 staff members and 2000+ private clients, including many innovative SMEs and start-ups, and having over 320 partners across the world. The headquarters of the company are based in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France; with offices in several cities of France, as well as in Romania, Singapore, Canada, Brazil & Germany. Bpifrance and GENEO are shareholder members of G.A.C. Group.

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Bpi France

Since 2013, Bpifrance has become the one stop shop for entrepreneurs with a vastly comprehensive toolbox offered in the field to customers through 50 local branches. Our mission is simple: we believe in serving the future, by being entrepreneur-centric and heavily decentralized.

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It was established to spread the word about Ukraine’s achievements and opportunities and to support investors in every aspect, from providing reliable information to establishing international connections at the industry and government levels. Blossoming local technology sector have triggered emergence of new local investors, who certainly benefit from the western peers sharing their expertise and best practices. By building a bridge between Ukrainian and global ecosystems, UVCA facilitates the motion of knowledge and capital in both directions. UVCA is a member of Invest Europe.

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Málaga TechPark

Málaga TechPark, place where the companies contribute to the economic and employment growth. The park has about 653 companies, more than 70 international companies and more than 24.000 employees with various nationalities. It has quality infrastructures linked to productive activities, I+D and the technological capacities, facilitating the access to a new digital technology. We work in sustainable and energy efficient spaces respecting its biological diversity. Our mission consists in the innovation and modernization of the technology. Also, to improve and reinforce the economic and socials links with our close environment.

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Startup Migrants

Startup Migrants is a company based in Berlin and Oslo. We assist high skilled migrants to start business in their new homeland and SMEs to hire talented internationals. This is done through our products, The Startup Preschool and The Inclusive Company. During the last two years 1100 people in Germany, Norway, UK and Austria have gone through the Startup Preschool starting 75 limited companies as a result.

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